
The Watch Hill Conservancy was incorporated in 1999 and became active in 2001. Its Board of Directors is made up of representatives of the various Watch Hill nonprofit institutions and also includes a number of at-large Directors

In 2013, The Watch Hill Conservancy was granted a Conservation Easement over the Napatree Point Conservation Area. The Easement charges the Conservancy to “…assure that the Protected Property will be retained forever in its current natural and scenic condition; to protect any rare plants, animals, or plant communities on the Protected Property; and to prevent any use of the Protected Property that will significantly impair or interfere with the conservation values of the Protected Property.”

In it’s charter mission, The Conservancy worked to protect Watch Hill’s open space and natural environment by acquisition of undeveloped land, with a particular reference to ecologically sensitive areas such as “coastal waters and beaches, dunes, freshwater ponds, wetlands, inland waterways, woodlands and fields.”

The Conservancy established an acquisition priority of the properties on the Napatree barrier beach not owned by the Watch Hill Fire District. The Conservancy cooperates with the Park Commission of the Fire District in various Napatree conservation projects including dune restoration. The Conservancy also seeks to educate the public concerning the natural and historic heritage of Watch Hill.

Taken In Part From Watch Hill Through Time, Chaplin B. Barnes, 2005. The Watch Hill Conservancy.

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